The Multi Threaded Manager Editor Tool and Runtime Libraries provide an easy way to
generate and integrate multithreaded methods into your existing or new project. Through the
use of a simple editor tool you can generate code that can easily be ran on a background thread or on multiple background threads in parallel. This allows you to unblock the Unity Main Thread when the tasks are not directly related to rendering or input or if you just want something to be done asynchronously. This also allows you to run multiple threads at once which will split your workload and thus take advantage of multicore CPUs. This can lead to better CPU utilization and thus better code performance.
This tool is designed for developers that are comfortable with multithreading and will include advanced coding topics. WIth any coding tool there is a chance that if used incorrectly you may do damage to your project.
This tool officially supports C# code bases using Windows, OSX, Android, and iOS build targets. The tool may work on other build targets but there has not been any testing thus the lack of official support
This tool does not allow for anything that Unity does not support itself, such as invoking Unity
Main Thread methods from other threads. You are limited by rules in which Unity itself is limited.