Bouncer is a simple tap timing arcade game template that anyone can enjoy! Tap on the screen to bounce the ball to the middle line. Use the empty gaps between paths to change the bouncing side. Don't forget to collect the blue hourglasses to add the time to ticking timer. How long can you follow the path?
Key Features
- Simple and Minimalistic
- Addictive gameplay: tap to bounce the ball
- Endless and fast paced gameplay
- Diversity: obstacles and gaps are spawned on the random
- Visual effects: animations, changing colors, player trail
- Score system: based on time
- Works in Unity Personal and Unity Professional
- Full C# source code included.
- User customizable
- Well commented code
File structure:
1) Animations: animations which are used in project
2) Documentation: documentation about the project
3) Materials: materials used in project
4) Prefabs: prefabs used in project
5) Scenes: scenes used in project
6) Scripts: script files
7) Sounds: sound files used in project
8) Sprites: sprite files used in project
Supports Standalone, iOS, Android, Windows Store, WebGL and Web Player platforms.
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