Infinite TerrainGen 2D is an asset capable of procedurally generating seamless and endless 2D terrain using a traditional tile system.
The system can be instantiated using a seed or randomly and thereafter produces continuous and smooth terrain. This makes the asset ideal for 2D exploring games for example.
Easy To Use
- Add the "Inifinite TerrainGen 2D" script to a gameobject.
- Provide 8 sprites for seamless terrain.
- Or just 2 sprites for minimalistic results.
Easy To Customize
- Maximum Height.
- Depth.
- Constant Width.
- Roughness
The generator uses Perlin Noise in order to make smooth terrain though it is possible for the user to configure the smoothness depending on the needs.
The use of Perlin Noise also ensures it is possible to go back and forth in a world and getting the same terrain output.
The generator is optimized through Object Pooling to ensure fast generation.
Included is also two sets of tiles for inspiration and a controller script which enables the user to walk and fly around.