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Guess The Word Game Template
Released 12th January 2017
Unity Version: 2017.2
This template will help you make those awesome Guess The Word games you have surely seen on the app store or play store.I have taken some of their mechanics and tried to show you how you can do it too.Easily expandable to X Levels and X questions per level.All lines of code commented for clarity.Simple choose some images you want to use and create your questions easily.
o Unity 2017.2 Support
o Automatically Saves and Loads Progress
o Displays progress on Level Select Screen
o Import your own images and Questions and copy paste to make more levels.
o Style each level different or keep it the same and change the title.
o Change the tiles easily just by replacing the tiles in the folder.
o Supports adding tiles and putting them back!
Taking Feature Requests - contact me above to request features!