336 high-quality spaceship engine sound effects in a futuristic style.This package contains spaceship engine sounds, designed in a futuristic style, including 336 high-quality sound effects, 16 kinds of spaceship. Perfect for spacecrafts, spaceships, large drones and UFOs, space and sci-fi vehicles.A spaceship is a futuristic large vehicle with several engines that can be used for civilian and military purposes.The collection includes sounds for each vehicle:• 32 fast and 32 slow acceleration sounds.• 32 fast and 32 slow deceleration sounds.• 80 looped engine rpm sounds at five speeds - idle, low rpm, mid rpm, high and very high rpm.• 128 transition sounds between speeds.A total of 16 spaceships in the set.Audio Preview: https://soundcloud.com/magic-sound-effects/sets/spaceship-engine-sounds-vol-1Sound List: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sti4xz3o29l14pc/MSE%20-%20Spaceship%20Engine%20Sounds%20Vol.%201.pdf?dl=0Each vehicle engine is a complex, massive and multi-layered sound that contains realistic samples of vehicles, aircrafts and several layers of synthesis.Can be used to create many types of futuristic vehicles: spacecrafts, spaceships, futuristic battleships, large drones and UFOs, space and sci-fi vehicles and objects.Did you know that this sound package can be included in the Bundle with a better deal?Futuristic Vehicle Engine Sounds Bundle• 336 game-ready sound effects.• 44.1 khz, 16 bit, wav, stereo.• 320 kb/s, ogg, stereo.• 16 spaceships in total.• 5 types of engine rpm - idle, low, mid, high, very high.• 80 looped engine sounds in total.• 64 acceleration sounds, 64 deceleration sounds.• 128 transition sounds between engine rpm.• perfect for the game genres of simulation, adventure, strategy and others.• minutes of audio: 45 minutes 52 seconds.