🕵 Anti-Cheat Toolkit (ACTk) is here to add extra pain to the guys who cheat / hack / crack something in your game!
Protects variables & saves, detects plenty of cheats and many more.🌎 Demo ▶ Videos 📄 API Reference 💬 Discussions 💌 Discord | SupportIncludes various anti cheat tricks and techniques in one place, easy to use, with full sources, detailed docs and corner cases care.First ever Anti-Cheat for Unity with support and updates since 2013 💖📌 Common featuresProtects variables in memory.Protects and extends Player Prefs and binary files.Generates build code signature for tampering checks.Detects non Play Store installations on Android.Detects speedhacks.Detects time cheating.Detects 3 common wallhack types.Detects foreign managed assemblies.Has Obscured Prefs / Player Prefs editor.📌 Obscured Types ▶ tutorialKeeps your sensitive variables away from all memory scanners and searchers.All basic and few Unity-specific types are covered.Detects cheating attempts.📌 Obscured Prefs & Obscured FileProtects Player Prefs and binary files from common cheating threats:• identify and read sensitive data (encryption)• tamper sensitive data (genuine check)• share cheated files \ saves with more cheaters (device or user ID lock)Obscured Prefs highlights:• automatic data migration• automatic crypto keys management• simple generic API and more data types compared to vanilla Player Prefs• Player Prefs and Obscured Prefs editor window▶ Obscured Prefs tutorialObscured File & Obscured File Prefs highlights:• background threads-friendly (to avoid IO hiccups)• simple and easy to use Player Prefs-alike API wrapper▶ Obscured File & Obscured File Prefs tutorial📌 Code Hash GeneratorGenerates a code hash signature to compare against the current hash and make sure the compiled code was not altered.Provides hashes for both whole build and separate files in build (helpful for aab Android App Bundles).Uses background threads to calculate hashes, keeping CPU footprint low.For Windows Standalone and Android only so far.📌 Android App Installation Source ValidatorMakes you aware from what source your game was installed, be it Google Play, Galaxy Store, manual installation via Package Installer or something else.📌 Android Screen Recording preventionAllows easily enable or disable screenshot and screen recording prevention for most non-rooted Android-based operating systems.📌 Speed Hack Detector ▶ tutorialMakes you aware of nasty cheaters trying to slow down or speed up your game.Correctly reacts to the time glitches.Allows to resist speed hacks with SpeedHackProofTime class.📌 Time Cheating DetectorUses Internet connection to get reliable time.Reacts on both incorrect system time and actual cheating during or between sessions, allowing you to catch people who changes time to speedup long-term processes (like building process, energy restore, etc).Works with weak internet connection.📌 WallHack Detector ▶ tutorialCovers 3 common types of wall hacks:• shoot through the walls• walk through the walls• look through the wallsUses generic sandbox approach allowing to detect unknown cheats.📌 Injection Detector ▶ tutorialReacts on foreign managed assemblies both injected at runtime or into the build. Doesn't cover non-managed (native) injections.📌 Third-party plugins• actions for Opsive's Behavior Designer• actions for PlayMaker (except obscured types due to PM limitations)• works great with Simple IAP System to validate IAP receipts• works great with Cross-Platform Native Plugins to save into the cloud, setup leaderboards and more!• used in Lovatto Studio MFPS Anti-Cheat And Reporting addon• used in Stan’s Android Native assetResist reverse-engineering threat:• Protect IL2CPP build with Mfuscator📌 Overall highlightsEasy to start:• detailed User Manual with examples and tips• examples scene• video tutorialsEasy to extend:• full API Reference• 🔥 full C# sources included!⭐ v1 and v2 customers: reasons behind switching to yearly upgrade pipeline📌 Final notesACTk will save you a lot of development effort hours and bring handcrafted years of anti-cheat expertise.Serves as a powerful tool in a professional hands if you wish to go further and build own ACTk-based solution.A skilled and motivated cheater can break any protection, and thus it's not guaranteed your game will be 100% safe from all cheaters if you'll use this toolkit. Though most cheaters are not that skilled thus massive "casual" cheating can be eliminated for good.📌 CompatibilitySupports Unity 2019.4 LTS and newer including Unity 6.Works on all actual platforms including IL2CPP builds with few limitations and exceptions:Code Hash Generator supports Windows Standalone and Android at this moment.Injection Detector supports Mono builds only since IL2CPP can't have managed injections.📖 DocumentationAPI ReferenceReadme.pdf User Manual (included into the package)📌 Third party LicencesAsset uses:xxHashSharp under BSD 2-Clause LicenseSharpZipLib under MIT LicenseSee Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT based assistants sometimes are used to validate some ideas, write boilerplate code and improve the existing code base.No raw AI output is used - everything is validated from a senior experience perspective and rewritten manually after ensuring the proposed solution is optimal for the purpose.
🕵 Anti-Cheat Toolkit(ACTk) は、ゲーム内で何かをチート/ハッキング/クラックする人にさらに苦痛を与えるためにここにあります!
🌎 オンラインデモ ▶ ビデオ 📄 APIリファレンス 💬 フォーラム 💌 Discord | サポート
📌 共通の機能
ObscuredPrefs / PlayerPrefsエディターがあります。
📌 Obscured Types ▶ チュートリアル
📌 Obscured Prefs & Obscured File
Player Prefsとバイナリファイルを一般的な不正行為の脅威から保護します。
Obscured Prefs のハイライト:
•Player PrefsおよびObscured Prefsエディターウィンドウ
▶ Obscured Prefs チュートリアル
Obscured File & Obscured File Prefs のハイライト:
•シンプルで使いやすいPlayer Prefsに似たAPIラッパー
▶ Obscured File & Obscured File Prefs チュートリアル
📌 Code Hash Generator
📌 Speed Hack Detector ▶ チュートリアル
📌 Time Cheating Detector
📌 WallHack Detector ▶ チュートリアル
📌 Injection Detector ▶ チュートリアル
📌 サードパーティのプラグイン
• Opsiveの完全サポート Behavior Designer
• OpsiveのUFPS: Ultimate FPSで使用されています
• 部分的なPlayMakerのサポート(フォーラムを参照)
• ストレージバックエンド で Mad Level Manager
• で使われる Stan’s Android Native 資産
• で使われる Stan’s Ultimate Mobile 資産
優れたコード難読化ツールでセットアップを補完することを忘れないでください !
📌 全体的なハイライト
• ビデオチュートリアル
• 完全なAPIリファレンス
熟練したやる気のある詐欺師は保護を破ることができるため、このツールキットを使用する場合、ゲームがすべての詐欺師から100%安全であるとは限りません。 ほとんどの詐欺師はそれほど熟練していませんが、したがって大規模な不正行為は永久に排除することができます。
📌 互換性
Code Hash Generator
現在、WindowsスタンドアロンとAndroidがサポートされています。 今後のアップデートで、より多くのプラットフォームをカバーする予定です。
Injection Detector
📖 ドキュメンテーション
📌 サードパーティライセンス
BSD 2-Clause ライセンスに基づく xxHashSharp
MIT ライセンスの下での SharpZipLib
詳細については、パッケージ内の Third-Party Notices.txt ファイルを参照してください。