Keys And Lock is a collection of simple scripts that allows you to interact with objects that can be linked together.
With simple Drag and Drop you can quickly set up interactive objects in first person..
For example, you can take a key and use it to unlock a door.
It is possible to create triggers that allow you to unlock new keys and locks. This creates an infinite possibility of concatenations.
The key object needs a lock and a lock can operate a second object.
For example, you can hide a key inside an object that needs a lock and another key to unlock.
The operation is explained in a guide included in the package, there are two simple tutorials to try, in addition to the demos already set up with all the scripts.
Asset content:
- Step by step guide
- Demo examples.
- 7 scripts to copy and paste
- 4 simple animations
- 8 Prefab including an animated door and drawer
- 9 Some materials and textures.
- 2 sound effects for opening and closing a door