This package contains Basket ball game avatars
and Basket Ball 30 complete game animations
Total 4 avatars , 2 + 2 Male avatars
customized mesh all the meshes are separated
Player_male_01 has 15k Tries
Player_Male_02 has 16.5 Tries
Player_Male_03 has 17 K Tries
Player_Male_04 has 15.4 Tries
Ball also added
All the animations are in place animations
fbx animated files also provided
please watch the video to check the animations
Animation List :
dribbles, forwards dribbles, Shoot Forward, Shoot , run jump shoot ,Backward, free styles, left and right turns, walk,
lower bend free styles, extc..
ball is included with animation fbx ,
you can switch off and on your fake or projectile ball when ever you want
you can switch it on and off hence it is separate from the player hierarchy
Humanoid and generic friendly to work with