Lean Texture+ is an extension to Lean Texture, adding many new types of texture modification tools!📄 Docs 💬 Forum 🌐 Site💡 Easy To Use — Simply right click your texture, select Create/Lean/Texture, adjust the settings, and click Save!💡 Make Seamless — Quickly convert a texture with seams into a seamless one that can be tiled many times without gaps!💡 Convert To Normal — Quickly generate a normal map from a height map or color texture.💡 Replace Colors — Quickly make different color versions of your textures for endless variety!💡 Copy Filters — Quickly make a texture with filters copied from other textures, so you can make them all receive the same modifications!💡 Channel Packing — Quickly combine multiple textures into one packed texture. This is great for shaders/materials that require specific data to be stored in specific channels (e.g. RGB = Albedo, A = Smoothness).💡 Create Textures — Quickly generate a new texture based on a color gradient, solid color, texture, or multiple textures.💡 Modify Textures — Quickly apply filters to textures to adjust the brightness, hue, saturation, and much more. These can also be stacked, making it super easy to use.💡 Lighting Fast — This asset has been highly optimized using Jobs and Burst, allowing you to modify your textures with as many filters as you like.💡 Realtime Preview — Instantly see what your texture looks like as you adjust the settings. Preview settings include RGB channel isolation, and a preview of what the texture looks like when tiled.💡 Non-Destructive — All texture modifications are done separately from your source textures, so you can always edit them later without losing any quality.💡 In Game & In Editor — All features can be accessed from the C# API too!⚠️ Burst — This asset uses Unity's Burst package, learn how to install it HERE.Texture Creation Techniques:📝 Simplex Noise - This creates a new texture from procedural noise.📝 Color - This creates a new texture where all pixels are the same color.📝 Gradient - This creates a new texture from a color gradient.📝 Texture - This creates a new texture based on another texture in your project.📝 Channel Packed Texture - This creates a new texture based on 4 other textures.Texture Modification Techniques:🛠️ Offset Pixels - Quickly shift the pixels of your texture along the x and y axes.🛠️ Blur - Quickly blur your texture.🛠️ Make Seamless - Quickly remove seams from the edges of your texture.🛠️ Pixelate - Quickly make your texture look blocky.🛠️ Convert To Normal - Quickly turn your texture into a normal map.🛠️ Modify Normal Strength - Quickly adjust the strength of your normal map texture.🛠️ Copy Filters From - Quickly apply the same filters and settings to multiple textures.🛠️ Modify Contrast - Quickly adjust the contrast of your texture.🛠️ Combine With Texture - Blend another texture into the current texture.🛠️ Invert - Quickly invert the colors of your texture.🛠️ Modify Sharpness - Quickly adjust the sharpness of your texture.🛠️ Mirror - Quickly mirror/flip the pixels in your texture.🛠️ Swap Channels - Quickly swap/swizzle the channels of your texture.🛠️ Replace Color - Quickly swap one color with another in your texture.🛠️ Color Edges - Quickly add colors to the edges of your texture.🛠️ Quantize - Quickly reduce the amount of possible values in each color channel.🛠️ Resize - Quickly resize the current texture.🛠️ Modify Brightness - Quickly adjust the brightness of your texture.🛠️ Convert To Grayscale - Quickly turn your texture into grayscale.🛠️ Rotate Hue - Quickly adjust the colors of your texture.🛠️ Multiply Channels - Quickly adjust the channel values of your texture.🛠️ Modify Saturation - Quickly adjust the color saturation of your texture.🛠️ Tint Color - Quickly change the overall color of your texture.Thanks for reading ❤️This asset uses the VarelaRound font under SIL OFL 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.