Animated 3D model for games, applications and educational presentations, etc.Package does not contain scripts and animation controllers, except simple animator controller for demoscene.Features:LODs and separate LODs with HighResolution model 28412 vertices 50020 tris for cinematics scenesRoot boneAnimations with RootMotion and InPlacePBRUV-layout mirrored, 2 UV channelsNumber of Textures: 8Texture sizes and types: 4096x4096 Albedo PNG (5 colors), Normal, Metallic TGA (Alpha smoothness), Ambient Occlusion PNGPolygon count of Stegosaurus:HighResolution model 28412 vertices 50020 trisLOD0- 14662 vertices 24794trisLOD1- 7664 vertices 11908 trisLOD2- 4230 vertices 5976 trisLOD3- 2470 vertices 3128 tris(Separate LOD's models included)Prefabs: 12 meshes 60 prefabsRigged: YesNumber of Animations: 99 with additive animationsAdditive poses 27Head/Swim_Head/Torso - Down-Up-Left-Right-LeftDown-LeftUp-RightDown-RightUp-StraightAttack_Bite_Low, Attack_Bite_Medium, Attack_Claws, Attack_Head, Attack_Head_Left, Attack_Head_Right, Attack_Tail_Left, Attack_Tail_Right, Drink, Eat, Falling_Left, Falling_Right, Fishing_Caught, Fishing_Caught_Eat, Fishing_Idle, Hit_Left, Hit_Right, Idle, Idle_Break1, Idle_Break2, LieDown_Idle, LieDown_Idle_Break, LieDown_Idle_Roar, LieDown_Sleep_Start, LieDown_StandUp, LieDown_Start, Roar, Roar1, Sleep, Sleep_StandUp, Sleep_Start, StunTurn-Left-Right Root/InPlaceRun-Start-Stop-Left-RightWalk-Start-Left-Right, WalkBack-StartSneak-Idle-Start-Left-Right, SneakBack-StartSwim Idle, Swim Stun, Swim-Left-Right Root/InPlaceSwimOnSurFace-Left-Right Root/InPlaceAnimation types: Root Motion/In-placeTypes of materials: PBR metallic standard