Chat Filter is a C# script for filtering multiplayer chats. Filter your string variables to remove bad words, or check if a phrase contains a bad word. Multiple settings are available for displaying filtered words, such as with asterisks, bleep symbols, or your own specified phrase. Other optional settings include checking for phrases trying to bypass the filter, such as with leetspeak (ex: @$$). String and boolean (true for bad word found) outputs are both available.
A Quick-Start prefab is included with 299 inappropriate English words/phrases built in. Drag and drop into your project's first scene, filter strings of text with one line of code from anywhere; without using GetComponent!
+Various Filter Modes (such as *** or $#@)
+Efficient Tree-Node Structure*
+Catch Leetspeak and other attempts at bypassing filters
+Email Support for questions and feature requests
* = Compared to find-and-replace methods.