An asset that automatically converts the layout from Figma to Unity Canvas.Supports any version of Unity, starting from 2019.1.With this asset, you can transfer your layout from Figma to Unity in one click!ALL ASSETS FROM THE DEPENDENCIES TAB ARE OPTIONALThe asset requires the free JSON.NET package to function.Information on how to install it can be found in the asset's manual.Figma Converter for Unity:• Preserves the hierarchy of the Figma project;• Imports PNG, JPG and SVG files;• Creates 9-Sliced sprites;• Creates prefabs;• Downloads TTF fonts and creates TextMeshPro fonts;• Generates a localization file;• Generates scripts. Automatically serializes GameObjects into the generated scripts or into your own scripts;• Updates already imported projects;• Doesn't create sprite duplicates;• Auto-colorization of single-color sprites to white for color overlay;• Creates scene backups;• Automatically creates components:• Image, RawImage, SpriteRenderer, SVGImage;• UI.Text, TextMeshProUGUI;• UI.Button;• UI.InputField, TMP_InputField;• HorizontalLayoutGroup;• VerticalLayoutGroup;• GridLayoutGroup;• ScrollView;• Toggle;• Works with additional assets from the "Dependencies" tab;• Works with "Unity UI Extensions" asset;• Works with UITK (extension to support UITK sold separately);• Works with Nova UI;• Supports any OS;• Templates are included inside the asset;• Detailed manuals are included inside the asset and are also available on the developer's website;• Live technical support;I will consider any of your suggestions for integrating new functionality.Please, always update to the latest version of asset.