Animated model with 38 animations and 8317 trianglesAnimated model with 38 animations and 8,317 triangles.Animations are already split into sequences (Unity, FBX).High quality normal map, made from High-Poly model!Additional textures for normal and spec maps are included.Animations:Tpose, IdleSimple, IdleLookAround, IdleGunDown, IdleGunDownLookAround, IdleWounded, Kneel, IdleKneel, IdleKneel2, StandUpFromKneel, WalkAim, WalkAimLookAround, AimToLayDownWeapon, GetReady, Strafeleft, StrafeRight, StrafeBack, Run, RunAim, ShotRun, WalkShot, StandToKneel, WalkCroach, WalkCroachLookAround, StandUpFromKneel, ShotSlow, ShotFast, ShotKneelFast, ShotKneelFastAround, ShotKneelSlow, ShotKneelSlowAround, Melee, Jump, Reload, HitBelly, HitShoulder, Deat, recoverIf you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via email or Discord:Contact email: info@dexsoft-games.comJoin Discord Server