Realistic Sniper and Ballistics System (RSB) is a toolset that provides realistic bullet trajectories, ballistic simulations, first-person sniper controller, bullet time effects and much more!Realistic Sniper and Ballistics System (RSB) is a toolset to create any type of shooter game—specifically a sniper game—that includes realistic ballistics simulation.Create realistic bullet/ballistic trajectories, bullet time effects, dynamic scope systems, penetration & ricochet and much more, right out of the box.RSB is not a template for a single genre, it can be used in first-person, third-person or any kind of game that requires realistic bullet simulation. That being said, RSB also provides you with game-ready first-person controller with headbob, gunsway, holding breath sway as well as a simple bolt-action weapon controller.Almost all the systems in RSB are decoupled from each other, with an event system that makes it possible to integrate RSB into your own projects and only use those parts that are really needed! Thus, RSB can easily be used with your already existing players or other shooter assets.Get Started | Documentation | Support Discord | Contact | Twitter | Windows Demo✔ Centralized SystemInclude the singleton instance to your scene, write a single line of code to fire a ballistics bullet from any script.✔ Event Based SystemRSB works completely on events, so it becomes extremely easy to listen to bullet hit events, or bullet time events to trigger custom game code.✔ IntegrabilitySince RSB systems work decoupled from each other, you can easily integrate the ballistics simulation/bullet trajectory calculations into your already existing player controllers, or into other first-person/third-person shooter assets! Just call a method when you want to fire a ballistic bullet then listen to events!✔ No RigidbodiesBullets fired with RSB work extremely cheap, because everything in simulated with raycasts, with a real-life simulation precision. No rigidbodies or objects being spawned!✔ Realistic SimulationBullets are affected by:Gravity (bullet drop)TemperatureAir PressureWindageStability Factor (based on mass, diameter, length)Air Resistance (multiple drag models w/ adjustable coefficient)Spin Drift (bsed on barrel twist)✔ Bullet PropertiesUse scriptable objects to create a custom bullet of your own with couple of clicks. You can customize your bullet's mass, diameter, length, barrel twist, drag model and ballistic coefficient.✔ Bullet PresetsRSB provides you with an extensive set of presets derived from real cartridges, such as 9mm, 7.62, 556, .338 rem, .40 ACP etc.✔ Design-time Trajectory SimulatorVisualize your bullet's trajectory graph in-editor without even playing your game! RSB provides a custom UI to adjust your bullet properties & see how it would travel, completely in design-time.✔ Surface Ballistics : Penetration & RicochetBullet penetration and ricochet, based on bullet’s kinetic energy & velocity. Completely customizable interface to simulate various surfaces such as; wood, steel, metal, plastic etc. along with the presets of said surfaces.✔ Bullet Time CamerasA powerful custom UI based tool to create your own bullet time camera effects without writing a single line of code. 10+ bullet time camera presets are included. Additionally, RSB provides a robust API to write your own bullet time camera effects if desired.✔ Combined FeaturesAll features in RSB work in cooperation. So, e.g, your bullet can ricochet off a surface, penetrate another surface then hit your enemy and can do this all in bullet time!✔ Bullet TracersVisualize your bullets, enable bullet tracers and define your tracer prefab to see your bullet’s trajectory.✔ In-game Trajectory DebuggingEnable trajectory debugging to visualize the whole bullet trajectory with line renderers.✔ Dynamic Scope SystemA dynamic canvas based scope system showing bullet drops depending on the selected bullet as well as how the bullet will be affected by the wind.✔ Player ControllerRSB includes an example first-person player controller ready to be used in your own projects along with a smooth first person camera.✔ Motion ControllerOn top of the player controller, RSB also includes a motion controller script to create head-bob effects, camera/gun swaying, effects to simulate breath sway and a weapon positioner system to handle the position of the weapon depending on the player state (running, walking, aiming etc.)✔ Weapon ControllerRSB includes an example weapon controller with an ammunition counter ready to be used for any type of weapon, especially for a bolt-action sniper rifle.✔ Mobile ControlsRSB is mobile ready, and includes example scenes demonstrating how mobile controls can be used with its FPS controller.✔ Full Demo ScenesFull demo scenes demonstrating all features of RSB are included.✔ Extensive DocumentationOur online documentation provides you with the details of scripting API, along with a getting started guide explaining you everything step-by-step.✔ And much more utilities!