Convert anything to interactable in seconds!Please Upgrade Project Materials (Edit / Render Pipeline) to use this asset with Scriptable render pipelines!Universal Interaction System (UIS) - Convert ANYTHING to interactable!What is UIS ? - Universal Interaction System is a modular system that can convert Any object to an interactable object in a few clicks! Also, it is integrated with Rayfire and HQ FPS TEMPLATE out of box (Only 1 click!).-Supports Every Platform!( Demo | Mail | Discord | Youtube | Docs | Roadmap )[💡 Features ]• Integrated with Rayfire and HQ FPS TEMPLATE out of box (Only in one click!).• Detailed Documentation with every possible setup.• Convert Anything to an interactable object in seconds!• Demo scenes for Rayfire, HQ FPS TEMPLATE, Standard with BUILT-IN RP• Supports: HDRP, URP, BUILT-IN (DEMO SCENES SUPPORTS BUILT-IN)• Carry System you can grab and carry physical objects with your player.• Examine System you can inspect/examine objects and grab them (Check showcase)• Carry System & Examine System can be easily integrated with any FPS asset,we are using Unity Events for locking / Unlocking player view and picking up.• Barrier System you can block anything with "planks, chairs..." and break them!• Key/Lock System you can lock interactable objects and open them with the right key.• Slam Open System you can slam, force break your objects with your player.(Supports Character Controllers and Rigidbody based controllers out of box)• Separated Chest System creates chests and pick up items inside it!• Electricity System You can easily convert any object to work with electricity:("Generators, Wind turbines, Solar panels...").• Clickable interactable you can create: "Medkits, radio, phones..." with this!• There is no limit! You can create anything. (A chest, radio, lamp,generator, solar panel, door, cabinet, drawer, sideways door...).• Lots of Unity Events to make your game easy to integrate with UIS!• Throw & Drop system for carrying items with collision sound system thatsupports multiple sounds (metal, wood, concrete) join our discord serverfor the audios.[🕒 Upcoming.. ]> For details please check: Roadmap.[⚠️ Read Before Purchasing ]- The models & materials inside the asset don't support URP & HDRP RP for now. Butthe system supports URP & HDRP & BUILT-IN RP out of box!- There are currently 4 demo scenes for "HQ FPS TEMPLATE, Rayfire & HQ FPS, Rayfire, UIS Standard".- There is no limit! You can convert everything to: "Electrical, Blocked, Breakable, Interactable".- UIS v1.0 supports Rayfire v1.37 or later & HQ FPS TEMPLATE v1.3.01 & later.- Please contact me from the links above before making a review or check the Documentation first.[ 🛑 Disclaimer ]- This asset uses [Some open-source game assets] for the DEMO SCENE under [ open for commercial, distribution, modification: "CC0" license]; see NOTICE.txt file in the package for details.Have fun! And please don't forget to review.• Supports: HDRP, URP, BUILT-IN (DEMO SCENES ONLY SUPPORTS BUILT-IN)• Please contact me whenever you want!