Everything can be pooled: Not limited to prefabs, scene objects can even be pooled at runtime.Online Documentation | Discord | Bug & Features Request |New FeaturesMore flexible management mechanism.Added a Pooling Holder to centrally manage all pooled objects.When switching scenes, you can choose to keep or destroy the specified pool. By default, those objects pooled in runtime will be destroyed.Added a Pooling Manager Inspector. Open [Window/HHK/Pooling Inspector] from the menu.Automatically extends the size of the pools.🙀 Core APIsPoolingManager.Load(string key, Transform parent);PoolingManager.Load(GameObject go, Transform parent)PoolingManager.Release(GameObject go);FeaturesUltra-simplicity API: There are no redundant APIs, only the core APIs that you care about.Everything can be pooled: Not limited to prefabs, scene objects can even be pooled at runtime.Support particle system automatic releasing: After the particle system has finished playing, it will be released automatically.Clean & clear: No component or script needs to be attached to the game object.Easy to organize: It supports group pooling. According to the scene's needs, it flexibly combines objects that need to be pooled.Zero learning cost: There is almost no learning curve, and it can be easily applied to current projects.Source code included.Tutorial included.The only rulePooling Manager uses the game object name as the category key reference. So, please make sure the pooling objects' names are unique, including the scene object's name. To learn more, please see the demo.