60% off while in BETA!
High-quality wireframe rendering can be achieved simply by creating material with this shader - no mesh preprocessing needed. Provides additional features like diagonal removal and transparent double-sided meshes rendering.
- Blending between wirecolor and fillcolor
- Can be drawn over existing material
- Supports Transparent Render Queue
- Option for removing diagonal edges
- Option for perspective display of lines (line appears thinner as distance from camera increases)
- Flat shading of the fill color
- Rendering of back faces (transparent double-sided objects)
- Supports following graphic APIs: DirectX 11, DirectX 12, OpenGLCore, OpenGLES 3.2 (or OpenGLES 3.1 with Android Extension Pack on Android 5)
- Does NOT currently support DirectX 9
Planned features (FUTURE):
- Interaction with scene lights
- Phong shading (single-pass optimization), including textures
- Better lines caps
- Dashed lines
- Better diagonal edges removal method
- Alternative calculation supporting DirectX 9 level hardware (currently just DX11)
Wilberforce Wireframe is currently in Beta and your feedback is welcome! Please share your ideas and features you would like to see with us at projectwilberforce@gmail.com. Also see user manual.
Visit forum thread for discussion.
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