Easy Code For Vivox will help you get up and running with Vivox Voice and Text Chat as soon as possible instead of learning yet another framework for you game/app.Easy Code For Vivox aims to simplify using Vivox in your project and to speed up the process of your development. It is designed for solo developers and indie teams and can easily be modified to handle tens of thousands of players. You do need to download Vivox Voice and Text Chat in the Unity Asset Store (https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/1255) for this add-on to work and must create a Vivox developer account (https://developer.vivox.com/) to be able to use the Vivox Unity SDK. Feel free to join the Discord "CodingForChrist", that is an unofficial community support channel for Vivox besides the Vivox Forums. Link is towards the bottom of the website or copy and paste this link in your browser (https://discord.gg/sY59aN8ap6)Can use inheritance like Mirror Networking for similar workflowsKeeps the connection to Vivox even if you switch scenesContains source code if you want to implement your own solutionDemo scenes to get started quicklyRequires :- Text Mesh Pro from Unity Package Manager.- Editor Coroutines from Unity Package Manager.