A collection of assets to build an abandoned lab environment. Perfect for horror games.
This package includes:
-Floor/Ceiling Tile
-Plain Wall
-Wall With Door Opening
-Wall With Wide Opening
-Wall With Big Window
-Wall With Small Window And Door
-Wire Fence With Door Opening
-Plain Wire Fence
-Automatic Door
-Steel Door
-Hexagon Styled Chair
-Bright Steel Chair
-8 Different Tables
-Operating table
-4 Chemical Puddles
-4 Computers
-Customizable Button
-Ceiling Fan With Light
-Fluorescent Light Fixture
-2 Lockdown Lights
-4 Different Railings (short, long, curved, stairs)
-Nuclear Reactor
-Glass Shards
-17 Different Signs
-Thin And Wide Stairs
-Lab Tube
-Broken Lab Tube
-Standard Vent
-Big Industrial Vent With Fan
-Chemical Vials in 3
Different Sizes
Each prefab has a PBR material with an albedo, metallic-smoothness, and normal map.
Some prefabs also have an emission, AO, or height map.
Texture Size: 256x-4096x