If you have ever wanted to render websites onto your Unity texture and interact with it on mobile platform then this asset is for you.
Support E-mail: unitydirectionkit@gmail.com
Try demo build:
Demo apk
- Please read user manual before start use MWV;
- Doesn't support "Auto Rotation" in current version;
- Doesn't work in Unity Editor mode;
- Requires minimum API level 15 (Android 4.0.3);
- For correct work switch in Player Settings - Internet Access: Require.
Main features:
+ Supported:
* Android (both x86 and armeabi-v7a-bit friendly);
* iOS (both arm64 and armv7-bit friendly);
+ Fast and flexible rendering (fast native texture updates: Metal and OpenGL graphics API);
+ Virtual Reality Supported (Cardboard, Oculus);
+ Supported possibility to render sites to 2D or 3D objects;
+ Supported possibility to render multiple websites on the same time;
+ Supported possibility to get pixels of current page frame;
+ Supports main interaction features, like: click, scroll, edit.