Dynamic Archer Set +62animsUpdate Note2.11 - some animation names have been changed for easier use / Removed error and warningRecommendAction RPG Game, Main Character, archerMotion capture is boring!! Attack timing for game is more dynamic and faster than real world. It is not just standing bowman. You can take more active archer than others. Just watch it!!FeaturesDynamic Keyframe animationHumanoid version includedRoot motion and Inplace motion includedA T-pose includedFX is not includedAnimation Listattack 11back attack 3fist attack 3kick 1hit 1idle 5jumpmovements 28equip/unequippickupSupportFAQ : https://www.wemakethegame.come-Mail : contact@wemakethegame.comThe best way to contact me is e-mail.I always appreciate your great comments and feedback.Keyframe Animation