Animated 3D model for games, applications and educational presentations, etc.Features:LODs and separate LODs with HiRes model 32896 verts for cinematics scenesRoot boneAnimations with RootMotion and InPlacePBRUV-layout of some parts are mirrored, LODs have 2 UV channelsNumber of Textures: 8Texture sizes and types: 4096x4096 Albedo PNG (5 colors), Normal, Metallic TGA (Alpha smoothness), Ambient Occlusion PNGPolygon count of Stegosaurus:HiResolution model 32896 verts 59600 trisLOD0- 8823 verts 14472 trisLOD1- 4572 verts 6842 trisLOD2- 2572 verts 3316 tris(Separate LOD's models included)Prefabs 6Rigged: YesNumber of Animations: 78 with root, inplace, additive animations and posesAdditive_Attack_Head Additive_Attack_Tail_Left Additive_Attack_Tail_Right Additive_Roar Additive_Roar_ShortAttack_FrontLegs Attack_Head Attack_Tale_Left_InPlace Attack_Tale_Left_Pivot Attack_Tale_Right Attack_Tale_Right_PivotDrink Eat1 Eat2Falling_LeftFalling_RightAdditive_Head_PosesIdle Idle_Break Idle_Break1 Roar Roar_Short Stun Hit_Left Hit_Right Run Run_Left Run_Right Run_Start Run_Stop/InPlace Sleep Sleep_LieDown Sleep_WakeUp Swim Swim_Left Swim_Right Swim_Stun Trot Trot Trot_Right Trot_Start Turn_Left Turn_Right Walk Walk_Back Walk_Back_Start Walk_Back_Start Walk_Left Walk_Right Walk_StartAnimation types: Root Motion/In-placeNumber of Materials and Material Instances: 1 Material 5 Instances PBR