LocalisedText is a localisation and text management plugin which aims to make working with large volumes of text easy for all disciplines.
REVOLUTIONISE YOUR TEXT WORKFLOW TODAY!Sick of spreadsheets?Can never find the right text?Overwhelmed by text?LocalisedText is the solution for you.Revolutionise your text workflow today!LocalisedText has been built from the ground up to improve localisation and text management in Unity. It offers optimised workflows and unique tools to take adding text to your game to the next level!Easy EditorSick of being stuck in spreadsheets, trying to find and edit the right piece of text? LocalisedText keeps you in Unity with an intuitive editor for all of your text management needs! From authoring and editing to finding the right text, the LocalisedText editor is the central hub for text management.Find the Right TextLocalisedText implements a powerful search engine, Lucene, to allow you to find text for your needs. LocalisedText utilises this search engine to actively reduce the amount of text duplication - saving you money on localisation!(Lucene.net is used under Apache License 2.0; see `Third Party Notices.txt` file in package for details.)CustomisableLocalisedText doesn’t bind you into using pre-set languages, a friendly user interface allows you to add/remove both Languages and Variants. These are then compiled into code for maximum quality of life for coders.VariantsSay "No" to unique keys for almost identical pieces of text. With noun class support (a.k.a Variants), you have easy access to simular text such as masculine/feminine variants, singular/plural, and many more! Export & ImportLocalisedText lets you export/import your text that you use ingame, either for external editing or sending for translation. With text versioning, you can ensure that all your text is up to date after you import your text.AddressablesUsing addressables in your project? Not a problem, LocalisedText supports both Addressables and non-Addressables workflows. If you choose to use an Addressable Workflow LocalisedText provides multiple ways to build your data; what text is in memory at any given time is up to you!Package ManagerLove UPM? I do too, that's why LocalisedText works out of the box with UPM. Simply put the asset onto your package server and you’re good to go!