Easy Hide for HORROR FPS KIT is a flexible and easy to use hiding system that allows you to create all kinds of hiding places!Do you need places to escape enemies? You got it!Hide In Lockers? Done!Hide In Crevice? Done!Hide Under Table? Done!Hide Anywhere!In order to utilize Easy Hide you MUST OWN a copy of Horror FPS KIT!DEMO BUILD | DOCUMENTATION | DISCORDWhat you get:Action Bar3 Main Scripts2 Helper Scripts6 Utility Scripts2 Breakable Models (Locker and Table)3 Demo Scenes4 Example UsagesDocumentationIntegrations:Audio Diaries for HFPSText Diaries for HFPSDiaries Pack for HFPSDurability for HFPSExtensions for HFPSMobile Controls for HFPSPuzzler for HFPSVendor for HFPSYou can learn more about the product(s) on Discord!Feel free to share your work there if you've used our assets in your project.Features:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Components: Core ~Hide Handler - Handles the hiding functionality per each hiding area.Main Features:3 hiding types (Crevice, Ground, Locker)Action Bar tie in (i.e use action bar, action text, etc.)Adjust character collider (i.e radius)Custom look & move speeds (i.e auto move)Enter/Exit states (i.e stand, crouch, prone, etc.)Front end UI utilities (i.e grab rotation buttons)Item Display states (i.e hide, show, lock input, etc.)Interacts with Dynamic ObjectsLock settings (leave locked, unlock after move)Events (i.e hide/unhide)Hide Handler Trigger - Handles the hiding functionality utilizing a trigger area.Main Features:Start State (i.e active or not active)Trigger Type (i.e normal or time limited)Events (i.e hide events & timed events)Player Hide - Handles player functions references as well as hide states.~ Helpers: Core ~Enemies Add To - Applied to enemies, adds enemy reference to Enemies Holder.Enemies Holder - Holds references of all the enemies in the scene or manually added to the list.~ Systems ~Action Bar - Handy for displaying a screen space action bar to signify actions (i.e currently supports Hide Handler tie ins, can be used separately)~ Utilities: Gizmos ~Transform Indicator - Displays gizmos in scene view for object applied to.Simple Icon - Display icon on object (custom texture & offset options)~ Utilities: HFPS ~Scare Handler - Handles jumpscare effects similar to HFPS jumpscare trigger, except in this case you can call to the scare handler and trigger jumpscares whenever you want.
* 7月4日のセール*
Easy Hide for HORROR FPS KITは、あらゆる種類の隠れ場所を作成できる、柔軟で使いやすい隠しシステムです。
敵を逃れる場所が必要ですか? 了解しました!
ロッカーに隠れますか? 完了しました。
隙間に隠れますか? 完了しました。
テーブルの下に隠しますか? 完了しました。
Easy Hideを利用するには、ホラーFPSキットのコピーを所有している必要があります。
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