This Asset contains 2 game levels with 6 game modes.
Gorgeous winter scene contains 3 game modes, including hidden object, exploring the world, and the race for first place.
Colorful spring scene also includes 3 game modes, such as training of attack skills, fishing.
Attached 19 Paged documents describing as clearly as possible the process of building a game project.
The project is fully compatible with the platforms Android, PC supports virtual reality mode.
Affordable and intuitive code.
Excellent solution for creating arcade game to virtual reality.
This Asset will be constantly updated in order to achieve a full and complete project.
All features from previous versions already included
1. Advanced documentation
2. Main menu included (for future updates of game levels)
3. Four background musics
4. Control level area limits
5. Collision with objects and dying eagle with reloading current level.
6. Interaction pause menu
7. Control other players
8. Optimizations for any VR platforms
9. Recentering view for HMD
10.Eagle acceleration
11.Choosing game mode as you want.
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