Nightmare is a 46 high quality atmospheric audio package which includes sounds suitable for dark horror/thriller and atmospheric games.
All these sounds were designed by us, and are included in our main products on our website (these products are for soft synths).
Tracks are divided into three categories:
-One shot sounds
-Looped soundscapes and
-Not looped soundscapes
(Format 24bit/44.1KHz wav files)
All the looped soundscapes were tested inside unity and work perfectly! The only thing that you have to do, is to insert a small fade in(works best), if you don't want them to start immediately! The "not looped soundscapes" are approximately 40 second each and have their own fade in and fade out. "One shot sounds" include hits and high pitch noises.
If you care to listen more sounds like these, please visit our website at
If you have any requests please send us an email at info@originsoaudio.com