This package contains cute 2D domestic animals. All pivot is set. Prefab ready with basic animations. Import package and you can use them right away.
WebGL Demo Here!
== Animal List ==
1. Guinea Pig
2. Rabbit
3. Cat
4. Dog
Along with their babies
== Animation List ==
Idle, walk, jump, eat and sleep
All Prefab layered by Z position.
Plus, original PSD file. Allow you to adapt, re-design, create more character.
Version 2020 uses Sprite Libraries
Version 2019 uses Sprite Libraries
Version 2018 without Sprite Libraries
== Related Package ==
2D Cute Domestic Animal Pack V.1
== Refund Policy ==
We don't accept refund requests as the Asset Store can't guarantee that asset access will be cancelled and the asset copy will be deleted from user PC. Thanks for understanding.
Please don’t forget to rate and comment on our work. Let us know if something is bad or need to be fixed. We also listening for your request if anything you want us to do next :}
mimustudio@gmail.com (Ploi)