This package contains few Demo characters and few animations of the following unity package
we have given few characters to test the avatars and animations
Main Asset Link
above package has
all the professionals, all the athletics,
police,doctor,constructor,chef, nurse, waiter,guard ext...
baseball, basket ball, rugby, football, wrestler, boxer,skater,tennis player,Sword Fighter,Soccer,Hockey extc...
All kinds of crowds
all kinds of age groups kids, male , female , young , old avatars
you have almost every avatar for all kinds of games
Amazing thing is each character can perform
8 different kinds of game animations
Common texture for all the characters
Zombies has different texture
you can also convert many characters as zombies by changing texture
each character has two extra joints in both hands where you can add or make child any prop like sword, bat extc..as a child to hand
each character as 32 bones
works Generic and legacy format
and most of the characters performs humanoid setup also
poly count minimum 2k to max 3k tries are there
23 Sports and other game generic assets also added
8 animation demos added int he scene
each character can perform 160 animations
Fully optimized for mobile games
Game pack list: RUNNER game, SWORD FIGHT game,BOXING game, GOLF game, TENNIS game, ZOMBIE game, SKATER Game, STREET FIGHT game.
Check the document for more details
please go through the Url link,
Guide Document Link