- Real Time Strategy Toolkit with enemy AI
- build your own RTS game in a very short time
Features :
- Enemy AI
- The AI construct buildings, towers and spawn different typ of units (ground, air, water )
- The AI collect resources and gain money
- The AI defend the own buildings or attack the player
- simple canvas UI system
- Unlock and upgrade different buildings
- gain resources
- Poolmanager for better performance
- RTS camera
- Minimap
- easy to setup
- works with unity navmesh system
- grid system for building placement
- mouse selection system
- 9 Buildings (base, barrack, airport, dockyard, tech - building, reactor, refinery, weapon factory,
- 8 towers
- 11 ground vehicles
- 12 human units
- 4 air units
- 4 water units
- example scene