Set of various lowpoly gears and mechanical accessories.Set of various lowpoly PBR (specular and metalness) gears and mechanical accessories.This package contains seven mechanical part meshes in FBX format, PBR (URP specular, URP metalness, and HDRP) materials and related high resolution textures (4096 x 4096 pixels) – Albedo, Ambient Oclussion, Smoothness, Metalness, Specular and Normal map.Ready for any steampunk or technical environment you're creating!Check it out now in WebGL preview!29 textures (4096 x 4096 pixels)Albedo (specular workflow)Ambient OclussionSmoothnessSpecularMetalnessNormalHeight7 mechanical part meshes (UV mapped) in FBX formatBall Bearing 01 (408 triangles)Gear 01 (488 triangles)Gear 02 (812 triangles)Gear 03 (2760 triangles)Gear 04 (3044 triangles)Gear 05 (1080 triangles)Key 01 (68 triangles)14 URP PBR (metalness and specular) materials7 HDRP PBR materials7 mechanical part prefabs1 preview scene with camera orbit script and related utility files