How many times did you developed your game and had your music driving you crazy but you still want to hear the sound effects? How many times the character respawn caused you problems?
When you developed for multiple platforms how complicated it was to set graphics elements differently for each build?
This easy script will allow you to change your scene for specific platforms (editor included) it will do it automatically on start before all other scripts!
You can disable lights in mobile and add particles effects for PC in just a few clicks!
The following are a short list of the common changes people use it for:
1. Stop music during editor for testing of other sounds.
2. Disable sound effects from instantiated prefabs.
3. Change player spawn point for testing.
4. Disable performance systems like lights, particles, models, shadows… (This will also allow faster testing).
5. Enable different graphics on mobile.
6. Enable cheats system in editor mode only
You simply add the "Override" script, choose gameobject, script and function/field to change (if needed, set value).
To see the example open OverrideInEditor -> Example -> Scene -> NoNoise&MultiPlafrom and enable "EditorNoNoise".