This is the "Blasters Small" Asset
* 42 unique blaster sound effects
* Unity3D project with turret logic
* Size 9 MB
* Blasters Medium: 1600 unique blaster sound effects (120 MB)
* Blasters Large: 1600 unique + 6400 round robin blaster sound effects (620 MB)
* VIDEO: Unity3D project and sounds(included in Blasters Small/Medium/Large)
* VIDEO: Alternative demo scenes(included in Blasters Small/Medium/Large)
* VIDEO: Round Robin demo(script included in Small/Medium/Large but the 6400 round robin sound effects are only included in the Blasters Large asset)
* VIDEO: Accessing the audio files
* VIDEO: How turret & blasters work
* VIDEO: How to create a new turret & blaster
Even though this is a sound effects asset you may find use of the included scripts to quickly create turrets and blasters. You can quickly configure rate of fire, bullet velocity, and use the included blaster bullet prefabs, muzzle and impact effects.The bullets and impacts are pooled to improve performance and the bullet impacts are performed using raycast. All sounds are provided as high quality 16 bit 44.1 kHz stereo and mono sounds.
If you need more sound effects - check out < href="https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/17256">Universal Sound FXfor thousands of sound effects in a single asset for any game genre!