The Dynamic Camera Project is a physics-based solution that uses discrete differential equations for frame independent stable camera tracking. It is specialized for 2D and 2.5D projects.
It makes camera effects easy, such as keeping the camera out of room transitions, offsetting, camera on rail effects and zooming by using “Dynamic Camera Effectors”. Which are created very easily with the tool that can be used in the Unity Editor.
The tracker and effectors are very easy to set up. Advanced usage requires minimal scripting.
The package contains:
- A smooth camera tracker that is frame independent. This means that the behavior of tracking is the same for 10 fps and 1000fps.
- A tracker that can be critical damped or under damped (oscillations).
- Camera Effectors to displace the camera for special effects. It also works with your own camera!
- The camera effectors are created easily with the camera effector tool.
- A frame independent 6DOF camera shaker.
- Demo scenes and example scripts.
- An in depth user guide.
- Everything is fully documented including the source files.
Additionally the tracker script can be used for other things that needs smooth behaviour such as moving platforms for example.
I recommend to watch the promo video as that captures the content of the package better than screenshots.
Promo video
Tutorial: Quick Setup and settings
Tutorial: Effector Tool
Note that this works with Unity 2018.4 or later.
Sadly I can't post updates for this package for a while due to other priorities.