MV FPS Controller is a bunch of scripts that provides highly customizable animation, audio and movement configuration for First-Person controller based on Unity's CharacterController.
- Move
- Crouch
- Jump
- Run
- Lean
- Slide
Sounds depending on ground material
- Steps
- Landing
- Fall down
- Jump
- Slide
Other sounds
- Breath inhales and exhales depending on energy
- Position change (to standing or crouching positions)
- Ringing gear
- Smooth motion input
- Smooth look input
- Landing
- Crouch and stand up
- Jump
- Lean on input and tilt while moving sideways
- Field of view depending on velocity
- Breath (synced with breath sounds)
- Head bob (synced with steps sounds)
- Backwards and sideways speed correction (only in walk or run state)
- Move in air (after jump or falling, and on slide, which is considered as non grounded state)
- Auto stand up when player crawls out of low ceiling and crouch input is not active
- Player can tuck on the fly to jump onto shelf (that player could not climb up without tucking)
- Moving platforms support via script
- Sliding slopes if slope angle exceeds CharacterController.slopeLimit value
- Stick to ground force for better motion on slopes with acceptable angle
- Energy consumption and recovery system: player consumes energy while running and restores otherwise (or as configured).
He will stop run when energy is zero and will be able to continue run after energy restores to defined threshold.
- Sounds depending on ground material (set via tag)
- Breath system that depends on energy: breath animation and breath sounds reacts to energy value
- Ringing gear sound system: consists of user-defined layers with list of samples and settings to react to different callbacks (step, landing, fall down, jump, stand, crouch). On such callback random sound from each layer
will be played.