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Custom crafting for uSURVIVAL
- Custom player crafting. To craft item on the player.
- Recipe search field in player crafting UI.
- Crafting bench to add new recipe on the player when near.
- Can have many crafting benches giving different recipes.
- Custom machines crafting. Can be place in scene or by player as structure.
- Machines have 2 type of UI, improved and modified.
- 4 machines examples. You can create your own.
- Furnace: transform raw resource into refined.
- Smelter: mix materials and minerals to create new alloys.
- Assembler: craft item.
- FireCamp: food cooking. Fire will dmg player.
- Items include: Cooked meat, Cooked red spiced meat, Raw meat, Red spices, Carbon, Charcoal, Wood, Iron ingot, Iron ore, Steel ingot and machines structures.
- Different effects can be use on server side and/or client side (Damage, trigger, particle, animation, sounds).
- Structure can drop content when destroy.
- Include core addon Additional Json Data.
- Compatible with addon Custom research for uSURVIVAL.
- Compatible with addon Electric wire for uSURVIVAL.
- - Benches and machines, scene and structure, can use electricity to run.
Build with Unity 2021.3.21f1 and uSURVIVAL 1.86