Speed up your Unity project setup with over 30 actions for platform switching and build prep. Share settings via Git for consistent builds. Complements your Unity Build System.Speed up the building process of your project while customizing settings, scenes, and processes. With more than 30+ premade actions, our tool helps you set up your project when switching platforms or preparing for a build.Share your settings through Git and maintain a consistent build across many developers or for CI/CD integration in tools like Jenkins.Included in the project are some of the actions:Command executionWebhook, Web API VersionCode Defines ManipulationPlayer Setting ChangesKeystore DataMore◈ HIGHLIGHTS One of the main focuses of Build Steps is to be friendly and easy to use. However, we worked to create an API to let other developers create their own actions to fulfill their specific needs:▪ Build Stack: Build Steps let you stack multiple platforms and build them in sequence without the necessity of user interaction.▪ Easy to use Editor: Build Steps comes with an easy to use Editor to customize your builds, one-click build screen and more.▪ Automation: Build Steps has many pre-made actions that let users automatize part of the build process and give peace of mind when doing a new build.▪ Actions API: Our build API lets the developer create their own custom actions to create specific User cases or totality overwrite steps.◈ LINKS Support ◈ APIs: C# language.◈ NOTES: Build Steps supports Unity 2017.4 or superior.** It’s important to note that Build Steps doesn't replace the Unity Build System. Instead, Build Steps complements the Unity Build System by automating some of the processes that developers use in their day-to-day tasks.Supports all Unity build targets from Unity 2017.4 to 2023.2.Support for Actions/Scripts execution when switching platforms or builds.Build for multiple platforms with one setting using tags.Multiple settings per platform or project.Command line support.Version control through Web API or tags.Customizable API.More.