For how long can you save yourself from the hungry monsters ?
Finger’s Escape is a Complete Game, simple, fun, and single-touch high score arcade game in which you must escape from the enemies, so you don't get killed. Touch your finger at the point on the screen and slide on to the screen without taking your finger back. The only work you need to do is to pass the enemies and keep away from the sides. This is an endless game with dozens of enemies around you. So, escape yourself from these deadly rivals to win!
=== Package Content ===
- Complete Game
- Shop item - you can change splatters
- Different enemies with high quality graphics.
- Score system
- Shield power up – protects you from the deadly monsters/enemies for a short period of time
- Coin system to purchase items
- Different Animations of enemies.
- FHD PSD source files of design and characters.
- Setting screen
- Vibration system
- Rate US functionality
- ADMOB implementation
- Documentation