Missile Launcher - Fully featured missile launcher system !
Features :
- PBR texture maps (Albedo, Metallic, Normal, Height and Occlusion) for all game objects (missile launcher & both missiles).
- Opens doors and activate the launcher when target is within the active range (range can be adjusted).
- Closes doors and deactivates the launcher when target is outside the active range (range can be adjusted).
- Fires missile's when the target is within the firing range (range can be adjusted).
- Reloads the launcher when the last missile has fired (reloading time can be adjusted).
- Time between firing missiles can be adjusted.
- Can use any type of missile model (two missiles are included).
- Won't fire at the target if there are game objects in the way (using ray cast).
- Includes two missile game objects with smoke and sounds (Script can accommodate afterburner and explosions).
- Two types of missile guidance systems (homing missile & last know position).
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