Have you seen message bubbles or message boxes appearing in games and give some information to user?
Sure you are! There are lot of kind such info gives. It can be tutorial or something happened alert or anything else your imaginary can do.
This asset makes its easy like 1,2,3 to import such kind of technology to your project.
AMB System has:
- Different styles support;
- 10 of them are built-in with package;
- Step by step instruction how to make your own;
- Ability to mix styles within one manager;
- 9 on screen showing position independent of dialog box size and screen resolution;
- 18 off screen position to show on scene from also dialog box size and screen resolution independent;
- Move/Fade/Scale type of appearing on screen;
- Ability to run custom method from any of GameObject script on show/hide/button click;
- Ability to autochange styles for different resolutions;
NB! This asset requires LeanTween to be installed to work.
LeanTween can be freely found at