Profiler Frame Dumper is a small tool we created for ourselves to dump (save) a single frame from the Unity profiler to a txt file.
It is particularly useful when the trace is too long and trying to expand it in the profiler is impossible.
Usage is very simple and instructions are provided directly inside the Editor.
You can also change the default file viewer and file manager (supports custom arguments).
1. For best results, enable "deep profile".
2. The main window can be opened from the menu "Tools/Profiler frame dumper".
3. Instructions on how to use this are available directly inside the editor Window on the "Help" tab.
4. If your dump turns out empty, check if you didn't select too many items in the "Exclude zero values" section.
This tool was tested with Unity 5.1.0f3 up to Unity 2017.2.0f3 on Windows 10x64 and Ubuntu 16.04, but it might be compatible with older versions.
It uses internal Unity APIs that may break from one version to the other.
If it breaks with you before I can get it to install a new Unity version, drop me a line and I'll get it fixed right away!
For support and general inquires, reach us on support@lostalloy.com