Add nice atmosphere and make your scenes more vivid using our post-process color bleeding effect.
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Color bleeding is when reflected light transfers the color of surface to surrounding objects. This resembles reflections on matte surfaces. Add new levels of visual quality to your scene with this great asset. Easy to use and control, lets you select exactly the balance of performance and quality your project deserves.
Implemented as two different algorithms that makes the asset perfect for both realtime graphics in games and for more demanding pre-rendered animations or stills.
Point Cloud algorithm is a simple and fast solution - it gets good speed performance with nice visual results.
Ray Marching is slower but with better appearance - recommended for model visualizations, interior designs, videos etc.
- Great visual quality with options to control the final look
- Works with Unity Postprocess Stack
- Compatible with all Unity rendering paths (Forward, Deferred and Legacy) and anti-aliasing
- Compatible with Unity 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 2017
- Compatible with Single Pass Stereo Rendering
- Works on Linux/Mac/Windows
- Plugin is not tested on mobile devices.
Enhanced with wide array of performance improvements from our previous projects.
Now also implemented with optimizations for VR devices - you can take immersion experience of your customers to the new level.
Visit forum thread for discussion.
We put great care in development and also in our customer service. We always listen to your needs and many of the features were added as a result of our customers requests.
If you have any questions or need additional support please contact us at projectwilberforce@gmail.com.
See user manual.
Check out our other projects.
We thank authors of following scenes used for screenshots:
Alchemist's House Interior by
Urban Underground by
Gabro Media
Eternal Temple by
Mana Station
Shader Calibration Scene by
Unity Technologies