A Rune/Summon stone, 2 Gate Portals a round floating Portal, a Vortex and a Rift with collision meshes.
Complete with audio, visual and scripted animation effects.
(Rune and Tablet props included).The package is now made with the URP and the GatePortal effect uses ShaderGraph.Animated 3D models ofRune/Summon stone, 2 Gate/Portals a round floating Portal a Vortex and a Rift with collision meshes.Includes (Particle) effects, sounds, animation and Controll script,Call 1 function to Start/Stop.Change Color with one variable on the prefabs.RuneStone 724 tris, rocks 108 tris.Gate/Portals 426 tris and 1025 trisRoundPortal 720 tris.Rift 695 tris effect 23 tris.Vortex 602 tris.4K Texture maps :AlbedoMetallic/SmoothnessNormal(Emission 1024)The Gate/Portal effect shader is made with ShaderGraph.The whole package is made using the URP(Universal Render Pipeline).