Geolocation Lookup are three modules bundled to one package: the GPS module allows you to query your GPS receiver to show you the actual position.
As a backup solution Geolocation Lookup offers you access to the google reverse geocoding api to get your coordinates by entering your current address - just in case you do not have any GPS. Designed for mobile use, Geolocation Lookup offers you its own UI dialog system for convenient use and status reports.
If this is not enough for you Geolocation Lookup lets you download a static map of your current position. You may choose from different map provider like google Maps, MapQuest and Bing - be aware you need an API Key from these provider (which is free)
- GPS module
- reverse geocoding module
- versatile static map module
- C# source code included
- fully documented
- different map provider
- zoom in and out the map
- google maps, mapQuest and Bing