At the end of The Heretic short film, we introduce Morgan, a VFX-based character created entirely with the help of Unity’s VFX Graph. In this project you can see how this complex character is put together, and try for yourself how manipulating the set-up directly in Unity feels like. Playing around with the VFX Graph, you’re free to give the design your own twist.Also available on GitHub.Here’s what you can do with the package: • VFX morphing: morph the effects covering Morgan. • Shape morphing: morph the underlying skinned mesh between feminine and masculine shapes. • Appearance tweaks: other elements of Morgan’s visual appearance, including how close the particles stick to the mesh. • Fire: adds an extra layer of intensity. • Crumble: several ways to make Morgan disintegrate into pieces. • Debug: each feature has debug options.Each of the features mentioned above has several customization options exposed in Morgan’s Inspector. In total, that means that there are over 300 parameters that you can tweak in real time to achieve a wide variety of results.Customizing MorganYou will find Morgan’s controls and customization options on the prefab inspector pane.The main features are separated using fold-out menus that can be expanded in order to access the options.In the Morgan Demo Scene, the prefab is located under Morgan_Root. The cloth animated mesh (alembic) is placed under Morgan_Root as well.The project has a timeline (Timeline_MorganDescends) that plays an animation with the character getting down the stairs.The first track of the timeline has a few of Morgan’s parameters animated - this can be muted (select the track and press M) or removed if you want to customize Morgan while their animation is playing.The recommended workflow for customizing Morgan while the animation is active is to lock both the timeline and Morgan’s inspector pane.Be aware that changing the particles with high polycount meshes can lead to performance decrease.How It WorksMorgan is made of 17 visual effect graphs each covering a different part - this was done for easier management.The position, normals and tangents for the base meshes are rendered in UV space, which are then set as texture parameters in the vfx graphs - this allows us to position and orient the particles correctly on the character.The vertex color and the albedo texture are also rendered in UV space - these textures are used to manipules certain properties like size, scale, angle and pivot.A custom editor centralizes all the graphs making up Morgan - this makes it easy to update shared properties fast. There are about 300 parameters exposed but there’s no real limit for how many can be added, however too many parameters in the interface can make it less practical to work with.Known IssuesCurrently there is a known bug that prevents the rearrangement of parameters in the vfx graph blackboard. As a consequence, at this point the parameters are not sorted and categorized properly.Displaying some of the graphs inspector pane can cause a performance drop.The scene view Selection Outline can cause a drop in performance when selecting Morgan.The graphs and scripts contain some legacy elements and hardcoded values carried over The Heretic.The Reset button on Morgan’s prefab inspector is your best friend if it misbehaves or if you want to bring the character back after crumbling.Work on Morgan was started on an early version of the VFX Graph, without features like Subgraphs for example. While some parts of the graphs have been converted to Subgraphs, they are still not as streamlined as they would have been if built from the ground up today.RequirementsSoftwareUnity 2019.3.9f1 +HardwareIntel i7 6th Generation or equivalentNVIDIA GeForce 1080 or equivalent4GB RAM