Sentry Drone
Hovering Sentry Drone, features two automatic guns that can fire a barrage of object pooled bullets, the firing action also comes with sound effects. The drone has a dynamic hovering action with sound effect that changes pitch with velocity. The drone does not need to be animated. It has a controller script and also has some visual abilities, it can detect if a player is on sight and turn its head towards that player and turn its head back forward when that player leaves its sight. The drone uses PBR 4K textures and 2K Textures.
Sentry Drone
Verts: 6 908
Polys: 6 800
Tris: 12 984
Bullet (Head)
Verts: 48
Polys 48
Tris: 92
Bullet (Cartridge )
Verts: 80
Polys: 80
Tris: 156