ProtectedVariables is designed to help prevent cheating using Cheat Engine and other common memory manipulation tools. This package was designed to be simple and fast to use so I could quickly get back to developing my game.
■■■■■ Documentation ■■■■■
■■■ What is Memory Manipulation?: ■■■
Memory Manipulation is when you use a program to alter the memory that's currently in RAM. When you want to cheat in a game, it's possible to alter your characters stat values for things like health and ammo, and to freeze those values at high numbers so that they don't change and you're invincible.
■■■■■ Features include: ■■■■■
•Protecting fields and properties from Memory Manipulation
•Protecting saved data in PlayerPrefs from being manipulated
•Detecting when speed hacks are in use
■■ Protected Fields+Properties: ■■
Simply replace any instance of a basic field with a Protected one and it will be protected. See the class Protecter.cs for settings around how things are protected (by default a Random key is generated each time a field is set, but it can be set to use a static key.)
■■ ProtectedPrefs: ■■
A one-to-one replacement for PlayerPrefs. Includes extended features for all basic types, some unity types like Vector3, Quaternion, and more, as well as being able to save ANY serializable object.
■■ ProtectedSpeedHackDetector: ■■
A simple speed hack detector that fires a callback method when it detects something. You can set tolerances to help prevent false positives on the monobehaviour itself.
■■■■■ Videos: ■■■■■
•Replacing your variables with 'Protected Variables'
•ProtectedPrefs vs PlayerPrefs
•Detecting Speed Hacks and Responding
•ProtectedPrefs Registry Values (and what they look like)
•How to cheat with Cheat Engine (and help prevent it)
■■■■■ Documentation ■■■■■
■■■ Is this a Perfect Cheating Solution? ■■■
There is no such thing as a perfect solution and I do not guarantee anything in regards to protection. Hacking is a constant battle that in the end requires constant solutions. I do believe however that when this package is applied properly that it will disable and discourage a large number of low level cheaters from doing so as I've demonstrated in my videos.