Common files included in Infinity PBR packages. Import this AFTER importing other packs to make sure you have the latest version of shared files.This is the up-to-date support/common files for the Infinity PBR series of models. Essentially all of the files outside of the character folders -- scripts, fonts, demo files, shared shaders, etc.The version of the characters are sync'd to this package about once per year. Check the version number of the packages to see which is newer, if any.This is not intended to be a stand-alone package. Most of my packs use shared common files. In order to keep things in sync, this package is available as a "last import" pack, to ensure that all of the common files are the most up to date.This is because Unity can sometimes overwrite a newer file with an older version, if the older version is brought in later.Thanks!--------------------------------------Check out more info & all of our models at you do purchase this package, thank you very much! Please leave a rating and review so others can find out what's what about it! If you have any problems, requests or anything else, Join the Discord!