Lowpoly Spear Female character for video game
PBR Texture
Over 30 Animation
Polycount 4K tris
Triangle count:
Polycount: 4289 tris
5 Different Textures variations for Bei
Texture 2048
• Diffuse (TGA)
• Metallic Smoothness/ Occulation (TGA)
• Normals maps (TGA).
This package includes 1 skinned character and 1 Spear.
Character comes with 33 animations, as follows:
- Attack_1,2,3 ... 9
- Short_Attack_1,2,3 ...5
- Idle
- Idle non Weapon
- Walk
- Walk non Weapon
- Run
- Run non Weapon 1,2
- Jump start
- Jump Loop
- Jump End
- Crouch
- Crouch Move F
- Crouch Move L
- Crouch Move R
- Dame 01
- Dame 02
- Death 01
- Death 02