>>Hazmat Zombie<< 9 animated zombies.Zombie model has 3 types of mesh:1-mesh without detachable parts2-detachable parts of body and head3- detachable only head DogZombie model has 2 types of mesh:1-mesh without detachable parts2-detachable parts of body and headRigZombie - Humanoid Rig (can be changed to GenericRig)DogZombie - Generic RigAll skeletons of the models have a root bonePackage does not contains scripts andanimation controllers except simpleanimator controller for demoscene.Polygon count:Zombies12580 verts 4240 tris2805 verts 4738 tris sliced2308 verts 4344 trisZombie22580 verts 4240 tris2805 verts 4738 tris sliced2308 verts 4344 trisZombie32411 verts 4536 tris2986 verts 5034 tris sliced2509 verts 4640 trisDog1988 verts 3944 tris2113 verts 4034 tris sliced9166 verts 16 660 tris High Resolution modelNumber of meshes/prefabsDogZombie 3 meshes/ 3 prefabsZombies 9 meshes/ 27 prefabsRigging: YesAnimation countZombies 50 DogZombie 59Animation type listDogZombie:Additive Bite, Dog_Attack, Dog_Attack1, Dog_Eat, Dog_Falling_Back, Dog_Falling_Left,Dog_Falling_Right, Dog_Hit_Left, Dog_Hit_Right, Dog_Howl, Dog_Idle, Dog_Idle_Break,Dog_Jump, Dog_Stun, Dog_WoofRun-Forward,Left,Right,Start/InPlace Run_JumpDog_Sit_Idle, Dog_Sit_Idle_Break, Dog_Sit_Idle_Break1, Dog_Sit_Stand, Dog_Sit_Stand_InPlaceDog_Sit_StartTrot-Forward,Left,Right,Start/InPlaceWalk-Forward,Left,Right,Start/InPlaceZombies:Attack1_16, Attack2_23, Attack3_23, Attack4_39, AttackFast, Bite_Idle_35, Bite_Start_25, Crawl_50/InPlace, Crawl_Idle_50, Crawl_WakedUp_Start_35, CrawlAttack_50, CrawlFalling_50, Falling_39, FallingBack1_42, FallingBack2_32, FallingForward1_35, FallingForward2_31, Hit, Idle_80, Idle1_65, Idle2_90, IdleAction_80, IdleAction1_32, IdleAction2_90, Jump_25, JumpAir_18, JumpAttack_25, JumpFalling_15, JumpLanding_18, Run1_19/InPlace, Run2_25/InPlace, Walk1_50/InPlace, Walk2_53/InPlace, Walk3_60, Walk3_60_InPlace, Walk4_15/InPlace, Walk5_39/InPlace, WalkHandsDown_60/InPlace, WalkHandsUp_60/InPlace, WalkHandsUp1_60/InPlaceUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps:PBR Standard metallicZombies9 Albedo, 1 Emission 2048x2048 PNG3 AO, 3 Normal 4096x4096 PNG3 Metallic 2048x2048 TGADogZombie1 Albedo, 1 AO, 1 Emission, 1 Normal 4096x4096 PNG1 Metallic 4096x4096 TGA