Accurately simulates video projectors to enable images, videos, and RenderTextures to be projected realistically. Documentation | Forum | YouTube | TwitterProject any imageProject Images, RenderTextures, and Video files in real-timeOptimisedCustom shader-based implementation (2017.4 and later)Adjustable projector resolution for optimal performanceMost if not all platforms should support the shader. There is a CPU-based fallback just in case.RealisticAdjustable lens shift, aspect ratio, lens ratio, brightness, keystoneEnjoy realistic shadowing - no more fake light sources!HDRP support (2018.4 and later, see video)URP support (2021.3 and later)Easy to useDrag-and-drop usageC# functions for controlling playbackSupportSee the tutorial videos or get in touch on the forum thread or via email.Although Unity versions from 5.6.1 are supported, the most recent updates are only available in 2019.4 and up.If you work with real projectors, you may want to consider Projector Simulator Pro.